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Elerium Word .NET 2.2
Компания: Elerium Software
Страна: Switzerland, Luzern, Luzern
Член ASP: Нет
Web сайт компании: http://www.eleriumsoft.com
О приложении: http://eleriumsoft.com/Word_NET/WordNet/Default.aspx

Автор: Donald Green

Email продаж: web@eleriumsoft.com
Email техподдержки: web@eleriumsoft.com

Тип лицензии: Условно-бесплатная
Класс: Development::Components & Libraries
Специфика: Development Tools
Категории: Programming :: Components and Libraries, Programming :: .NET, Programming :: Source Code, Programming :: C & C++ & C#, Programming :: Visual Basic
ОС: WinXP, Win2000, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64
Системные требования: .NET 2.0
Язык: English
Ограничения: 10 paragraphs, trial text

Ключевые слова: read Word, write Word, .NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, DOC, DOCX

Elerium Word .NET is a full managed .NET component which enables C#/VB.NET/ASP.NET developers to create, read, write and convert MS Word documents (DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT) from any .NET projects. Elerium Word .NET provides full support Word 97-2003, Word 2007-2012 formats and allows to convert it among themselves. The installation package of the component contains C# and VB.NET samples for quick start. Elerium Word .NET is an independent .NET component that compatible with .NET 2.0 and higher and does not depend on third-party libraries and Microsoft Office Automation.

Key features:

- File formats doc, docx, rtf, text.
- Generate and save Word documents (Word 97-2003, Word 2007 and Word 2010).
- Methods for Reading / Writing word files (see C# VB.NET examples).
- Converting options between the following Word formats DOC, DOCX, RTF, Text document.
- Get, edit or create document sections, header or footer, content (tables, paragraphs, images, textboxes, etc.), word footnotes and word endnotes.
- Settings of word page (width, height, margins, orientations etc.)
- Sections properties.
- Page numbering.
- Footnotes properties (position, numbering mode, etc.)
- Endnote properties (number style, numbers offset, etc.)
- Paragraph manipulations (create, delete, etc.)
- Paragraph Indents, spacing and borders.
- Text run manipulations (add, delete, etc.)
- Textrun font and color styles.
- Textrun formatting (bold, italic, underlined, etc.)
- Textrun special properties (borders, Extra space, horizontal scale)
- Table manipulations (create, delete, etc.)
- Table common properties (alignment, auto fit, etc.), rows properties (borders, height, alignment, etc.) and cell properties (width, height, borders, etc.)
- Merged cells.
- Embedded tables.
- Find and replace specified paragraphs or tables in the word document.
- Extract objects (texts, comments, images etc.) from the word document.
- Word Document Protection.
- Form fields manipulations.
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5.99 МБ

ДатаВерсияСтатусИстория выпусков
01.11.20132.2New Release- Stability improvement.
- Method for word count is improved.
- Document writing speed improvement (especially with big files).
- Fixed a rare bug with certain table layouts.
- Optimization of the structure of component classes.
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